christmas_Winter_Chateau de Varennes2016 was another great vintage for Burgundy wines and it was very rewarding for us too. After working relentlessly for 5 years to set up a venue that would meet our (very) high standards, we enjoy to see so much happiness and all the fabulous memories that we are helping to create in Varennes. We even passed a major milestone with 200+ successful events planned so far. This would of course not be possible without our devoted staff and vendors who are also deserving our full recognition for their contribution to our success. We were also blessed with a good bunch of joyful guests who brought so much fun every week since we opened our doors.

We cannot name you all but be sure you are in our hearts and you will always be welcome back in Varennes. Please feel free to bring your new additions as we would love to meet them too (we are hearing from time to time that the Varennes family is extending at a very fast pace, this must be a lucky place to marry!)

Best wishes for 2017!

voeux-2017_Winter_Chateau de Varennes

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